Interaction Design Virtual Internship

Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Career + WIL Program Assistant
  • Undergraduate; 4th year, 3rd year
  • 30 learners; individual projects
  • 96 hours per learner
  • Dates set by experience
  • Learners self-assign
Preferred companies
  • 1/30 project matches
  • Canada
  • Academic experience
  • Any company type
  • Any industries
General Information technology Product or service launch Media
competitive analysis design thinking communication research ux/ui
Project timeline
  • August 16, 2020
    Experience start
  • August 19, 2020
    Mid-point status check
  • August 30, 2020
    Experience end

Virtual Internship Opportunity (Paid)

This is an opportunity to bring on one or more students from the Interaction Design Program at Emily Carr University to work with you as virtual interns, in project-based experiences. Students will work on one or more projects of your choosing over the internship period, connecting with you as needed to apply their skills in rigorous design processes, virtual design tools, and critical design thinking.

Students are available for full and part-time positions, with a minimum requirement of 96 work hours.

All placements must be paid.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, student placements will only occur virtually.

Companies can apply to work with students until August 15, 2020; placements can start earlier.

Learner skills
Competitive analysis, Design thinking, Communication, Research, Ux/ui

Deliverables will be agreed upon between the students and the employer.

Students will be asked to keep a weekly logbook of their experiences, and submit a comprehensive report as part of their final assessment to both the employer and Career Development + Work Integrated Learning.

Project Examples

Students are prepared to become internationally aware Interaction Designers capable of working across a range of domains and industries, including design units within corporate, government and non-government organisations.

Students can assist you through all stages of the design of websites, mobile applications, game design and physical devices while responding contextually with design solutions to user needs for interactive devices, systems, and services to create deep meaningful human interactions.

User Research

  • participatory research
  • contextual research (competitor analysis)
  • creative research - visual and conceptual
  • personas and scenarios

Conceptualization & Strategy

  • design thinking
  • understanding strategic and business goals
  • user advocacy
  • brainstorming & sketching
  • understanding of basic psychology (including principles in behavioral science such as conditioning, learning and motivation)

Information Architecture

  • user flows
  • wireframes
  • user stories
  • card sorting


Through the use of paper, video, and a range of low to high fidelity prototyping, including sketching, experimenting, making 3D modeling, and testing


  • visual design - interface design skills including layout, typography, navigation, human perception, color theory, data visualization, and effective storytelling
  • presentation - present proposals with rationale and solicit and incorporate feedback
  • critique - demonstrate a strong understanding of elegant and appropriate designs
  • basic understanding of technologies relevant to digital media and emergent technologies related to user experience (UX)

Critical Thinking

  • ability to assess appropriate technology and anticipate ethical implications of the use of Technology

Time & Project management skills

  • Strong communication skills with the ability to convey concepts to engineering, developer, business, marketing disciplines
  • Collaboration and Teamwork - ability to design collaboratively and facilitate a strong team-based approach with all project stakeholders
  • Facilitate conceptual development workshops


Design in Adobe Creative Suite
Interactive screen prototyping - Adobe XD, Framer, Figma Basic
Electronics/Circuit design
Hardware prototyping with Arduino
Embedded systems with Raspbery Pi
Interactive programming in Processing and Python
HTML/CSS and Wordpress design
Web VR interactive prototyping

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

Provide a supervisor for the co-op and student who will oversee the student’s work and discuss expectations for the work term with the student and, on a regular basis, give the student feedback on how he/she is doing, including areas of strength and areas which require improvement. (*optional* The organisation will be required to sign a WIL Agreement which outlines their responsibilites).

Participating companies must have received a special invitation from the Career Development + WIL Office at ECU or have a Riipen subscription. Please review Riipen pricing tiers to learn more!

Advise the student with regards to all issues of confidentiality in the workplace and ensure that any non-disclosure agreements are signed prior to the commencement of work.

The internship supervisor is required to hold expertise (and ideally qualifications) in a similar field to the student. Organisations should provide a short bio or LinkedIn profile of the supervisor.

We expect that employers will remunerate students. Co-op students are typically paid between $18 - 25 dollars per hour, depending on their range of experience. Our co-op students are selected from a pool of senior students, who have gained stronger than average grades. The Career Development Office will vet all postings.

Be available for a quick phone call with the instructor to initiate your relationship and confirm your scope is an appropriate fit for the course.

Whenever possible, inform the student and the Career Development + Work Integrated Learning Office prior to the end of the work term of the intention to re-hire the student for the next work term. In the event of an additional work term, it is expected that an employer will provide enhanced work that reflects the growth and knowledge of the student.

Provide the student with an orientation to the workplace, including an overview of the organization (e.g. mission statement, products, etc.), physical layout, relevant personnel, safety practices, and the duties or tasks expected during the work term.

Consult the Career Development + Work Integrated Learning Office prior to undertaking disciplinary action or dismissal of a student.

The host should ideally provide additional learning experiences such as inclusion in company meetings or other 'mentorship' / learning experiences that would normally be part of a face-to-face internship.

Complete a Student Evaluation by Employer for the student to submitted to the Career Development + Work Integrated Learning Office, with a copy to the student, prior to the final day of the work term. A student who doesn’t receive this evaluation will not receive credit for that work term.